takes your order with utmost importance and it is our endeavor to provide you with the best delivery management. Please read the below details carefully for more clarity.


What is the estimated delivery time?

Our Fulfillment center will start processing your order as soon as we receive it. For orders received before 4:00 pm, the delivery will happen next day and for orders received after 4:00 pm, the delivery will be scheduled for the day after. This however excludes public holidays and Fridays. An email will be sent to you informing that we have received your order (with the order details). Once your order is processed, we will inform you by email about your order & delivery status so you can be available for receiving your order.


Are there any delivery charges?

For order value of AED 100 and above, the delivery is free. For orders with less then AED 100 value, an additional delivery charge of AED 10 will be applicable.


Can I change my delivery address?

Yes, you can change your preferred address / location of delivery, however we would request you to inform us at at least one day prior to the expected delivery date and clearly mention your order number in the subject line, so that we can make necessary changes and deliver your order at your requested address. Please note that any change in delivery address may lead to one additional day in the order delivery. Please also note that our database will have your address that you have provided to us while becoming our member or at the time of your first order. In case if you wish to make your new address as your regular delivery address, then please kindly go to “My Account” page and update your new address.


What are the delivery time frames?

Order & Deliveries are processed Saturday to Thursday from 8:00 am till 7:00pm excluding public holidays.

Delivery time frames may change due to unforeseen circumstances. We will endeavour to provide the most up-to-date information for your order or contact you if any changes. Our customer support team will contact you at the phone number provided to us in your contact details. (Please ensure your contact details are up to date). If you have not received any communication from our side for the delivery of your order then please write to us at and clearly mention your order number or call/whatsapp us at +971 557440512 with your order number and we will immediately get it sorted.


Which areas do you deliver?

Currently our services are available in Dubai (all areas), and very soon we will be delivering to other emirates as well. An announcement in this regard will be made on the site and also will be communicated by our newsletter. If you would still like to order your favourite snacks for the delivery outside of Dubai, you can write to us at with your details and we will get back to you on the expected delivery schedule for you.


Does delivers to other countries?

We will be launching international delivery service very soon, however in the meantime if you still would like to enjoy our snacks, you can write to us at with the destination details (city / country) where you would like us to deliver and we will send you the details on how you can get your favourite snacks.
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